The world economy-- Catching up is so very hard to do

The emerging economies have had a great decade. That was the easy part

Sep 24th 2011 | from the print edition

THIS month Italy’s government sold a slug of five-year paper at one of its regular bond auctions. There was barely enough demand for the bonds to meet supply, even at a steep interest rate. Contrast that with the sale in August of 20 billion yuan ($3.1 billion) of paper by China in Hong Kong’s fledgling offshore market. The yield was miserly yet there were more than four times as many bids as there were bonds for sale.

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鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:財匯資訊,摘自:中財網) 2011-09-21 11:17:14


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Markets Would Rally if Greece Defaults, Blain Says

Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Bill Blain, co-head of the Special Situations Group at Newedge Group, discusses the possible consequences of a Greek debt default. He speaks with Owen Thomas and Linda Yueh on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move." (Source: Bloomberg)

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Gold Set for Biggest Weekly Loss in Two Years

By Phoebe Sedgman - Sep 16, 2011 12:40 PM GMT+0800

Gold was set for the biggest weekly loss in more than two years after the European Central Bank and international policy makers coordinated to lend dollars to euro- area financial institutions, curbing haven demand.

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Source: FT © The Financial Times Ltd 2011

Last updated: September 15, 2011 7:01 pm

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Euro Strength

Illustration by Bloomberg View

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Europe’s debt crisis--Fudge, the final frontier

opean leaders are at a fork in the road.

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有「歐元之父」之稱的哥倫比亞大學教授孟岱爾(Robert Mundell)提出由美元、歐元和人民幣共組大貨幣區的構想,主張三幣之間固定匯率,使世界經濟保持穩定,引發國際間熱議。他並指出,今年稍早他在中國大陸舉行的國際金融制度研討會上,也和美國財政部長蓋納(Timothy Geithner)討論過這個問題,引起蓋納的興趣。

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2011年 08月 22日 07:37


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5money moves ‘Dr. Doom’ is making now

Marc Faber readies for hyperinflation, dollar’s demise and civil unrest

By Jonathan Burton, MarketWatch

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在投資的領域中,牛市(Bull Market)代表市場走勢持續向上、相反熊市(Bear Market)代表市場走勢持續向下的意思,在經濟的起跌循環活動過程中,牛市和熊市會交替出現,而牛市和熊市更普遍分為三個階段,即是牛市三期和熊市三期的理論。


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  1. 紐約匯市債券避險買盤 支撐美元走高
  2. 【美股盤後】標普重摔逾4%
  3. 【歐股盤後】跌逾4% 利空多
  4. 能源盤後─擔憂經濟減緩 原油大幅收低美元;【能源盤後】慘跌 經濟不妙
  5. 貴金屬盤後─投資人奔逃 黃金衝上1822美元;【金屬盤後】金價續登天 銅跌
  6. 克魯曼:義大利和西班牙或走出危機 但脫離歐元區的風險升高
  7. 以史為鑒 美股標普500指數將再創新低 因暴跌需要時間來治療


紐約匯市─債券避險買盤 支撐美元走高

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U.S. Stocks Tumble on Global Economy, European Funding Concerns

By Rita Nazareth - Aug 19, 2011 4:47 AM GMT+0800

U.S. stocks tumbled, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 400 points for the fourth time this month, on concern the global economy is slowing and speculation that European banks lack enough capital.

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Morgan Stanley Cuts Global Growth Forecast With U.S. ‘Close’ to Recession

By Paul Panckhurst - Aug 18, 2011 5:17 PM GMT+0800

Morgan Stanley cut its forecast for global growth this year, citing an “insufficient” policy response to Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, weakened confidence and the prospect of fiscal tightening.

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US stockmarket crashes and GDP

After the crash

Aug 16th 2011, 14:59 by The Economist online

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Wells Fargo analysts: Gold bubble will burst

Gold prices, now driving toward their 11th straight year of annual gains after climbing 26 percent thus far this year, are set to crash and burn, a financial services company is warning.

According to analysts with Wells Fargo & Company, the precious metal is prepped to suddenly lose value, Bloomberg reports. Having seen other commodities' bubbles burst, the firm wrote the report out of consideration for gold enthusiasts, the lead analyst told the news service.

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Google to Buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion to Gain Wireless Patents

By Brian Womack and Zachary Tracer - Aug 16, 2011 4:58 AM GMT+0800

Google Inc. (GOOG), the biggest maker of smartphone software, agreed to buy Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. for $12.5 billion in its largest acquisition, gaining mobile patents and expanding in the hardware business.

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Buffett Made Biggest Bets on Stocks This Year

By Andrew Frye - Aug 16, 2011 9:21 AM GMT+0800

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European, U.S. Index Futures Drop, Euro Slides

By Shiyin Chen - Aug 16, 2011 2:40 PM GMT+0800

The euro slid from a three-week high versus the dollar and European equity-index futures fell before data forecast to show economic growth for the region slowed. Asian stocks rose as Google Inc. (GOOG)’s largest acquisition boosted technology companies.

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2011年08月16日 07:41   來源:北京晨報   

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2011-08-11 工商時報 【記者蕭麗君、王曉伯/綜合外電報導】

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2011年08月11日 08:07   來源:人民網   


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You should nearly always buy into panic just like you should sell hysteria. -

in CNBC, August 9, Jim Rogers

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PARIS—The French government said it was ready to do whatever it takes to stick to its deficit-reduction plans, signaling its determination to remain among the six euro-zone nations still sporting a top-notch triple-A credit rating.

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The Federal Reserve voted to hold interest rates at zero(0.00%-0.25%), and indicated it would keep rates there through the middle of 2013.

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History of American money can be traced back to the times of colonial America. The Continental Congress had made the use of dollar legal even before American independence. This dollar was based on Spanish milled dollars that were prevalent in the economy of colonial America. The Spanish milled dollars were a set of 8 coins and were principally based on Spanish economy.

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The Panic of 1873, also referred to as the Depression of 1873 by historians, was a major economic depression that affected United States and several other countries in Europe, such as Germany, Britain and even Austria. This crisis lasted for around 5 to 6 years (1873 - 1879). There are several factors which led to this economic crisis, the Jay Cooke and Company going bankrupt being a major reason. If you want to know what was the Panic of 1873, its causes, major impacts, and the Panic of 1873 significance, then just keep reading this article.

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Failed banks, widespread foreclosures, impaired agriculture sector and manufacturing industry, large scale unemployment and homelessness.... these were some of the predominant characteristics of the US economy during the Panic of 1819 - the first major financial crisis in the American history. It was one of the most hard-hitting crisis that the nation had ever witnessed - largely because the national financial system was still in its infancy and never before had the Americans witnessed crisis of such magnitude in their country.

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Before going into deeper analysis of the subject matter, I cannot avoid mentioning the favorite joke of economists on recession and depression. When other people lose their jobs, it's a recession. When you lose yours, it's a depression.. The joke involves some subjective judgment to differentiate recession from depression. Definition of recession and depression follows no ironclad rule. It can be differentiated only by judging the nature of economic downfall and its outcome. Both are similar in few aspects when negative impacts are taken into account. The difference lies only on the effects and the lasting effect of recession and depression. The former lasts for short period while the latter has long lasting effect. Recession vs depression has been studied by economists deeply and you can also get a better concept after reading this article. Read more on economic recession and depression - definition and difference.

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Marc Faber on Gold, Silver, Deflation and the U.S. Economy


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伯南克考慮 QE3救經濟

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The Economy Is Worse Than You Think
2011/6/10 Wall Street Journal

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Christine Lagarde will lead the IMF

Jun 28th 2011, 17:54 by R.A. |WASHINGTON

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The opportunity for Europe’s leaders to avoid disaster is shrinking fast

Jun 23rd 2011 | from the print edition


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Why It's Time To Buy

The Clouds Haven't Quite Parted, But the Long-Term Case for Home Ownership Is Looking Stronger


Back in June 2006, when the housing market peaked, the prospect of a five-year national housing bust seemed unimaginable to most people. And yet here we are, with the latest Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller index showing that prices hit new bear-market lows, falling back to 2002 levels nationally and to 1990s levels in some battered regions.

April Home Prices

See the change in home prices from April 2010 to April 2011, state by state.

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揭秘高盛與利比亞的恩怨  資料來源:華爾街日報, 2011年 05月 31日 18:15

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獅王金諫:希臘評級下調 黃金美元同漲

鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:財匯資訊,摘自:中國黃金資訊網) 2011-05-23 11:17:07


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Bullish on commodities for long term: Mark Mobius

May 19, 2011, 02.14pm IST

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Fund)領導危機中獲得更強的政治地位﹐即便最終接替多米尼克•斯特勞斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)的新總裁不是來自亞洲。

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2011年5月3日 09:35:31 中國經濟網 潘瑋傑 

隨著美聯儲會議結果的公佈,美國股指和金價再創新高,投資者都在為美聯儲的“英明決策”歡欣鼓舞,黃金更是被視為 “永恒的保值品”。冷靜思考,現在美聯儲的貨幣政策根本沒有可持續性,美國不可能和日本一樣,長期維持零利率,美國經濟的復蘇步伐已經比預估的快。同樣 的,黃金也不可能成為永恒的“保值品”,那些為了維持金價而為金本位制招魂的分析師,最終會為自己的行為打造一口“黃金棺”。

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2011年 05月 19日 15:14

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2011年 05月 17日 08:51

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