目前分類:個人學習札記 (23)

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在投資的領域中,牛市(Bull Market)代表市場走勢持續向上、相反熊市(Bear Market)代表市場走勢持續向下的意思,在經濟的起跌循環活動過程中,牛市和熊市會交替出現,而牛市和熊市更普遍分為三個階段,即是牛市三期和熊市三期的理論。


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The MSCI Taiwan Index is a free-float adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to track the equity market performance of Taiwanese securities listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange and GreTai Securities Market. The MSCI Taiwan Total Return Index takes into account both price performance and income from dividend payments. The MSCI Taiwan Index is constructed based on the MSCI Global Investable Market Indices Methodology, targeting a free-float market capitalization coverage of 85%. The index has a base date of December 31, 1987.

Real time codes:

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The 10 highest and lowest paid jobs - are YOU one of them?


The 10 best-paid and worst-paid jobs were identified by the Office for National Statistics recently. And there are a few surprises.

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 What are soft dollars?

Soft Dollars

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 Silver Price Per Ounce

Silver Price Per Ounce in Australian Dollars

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Arab Democracy Foundation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Gold Fireworks are About to Begin

Commodities / Gold and Silver 2011 Feb 28, 2011 - 07:10 AM

By: Toby_Connor

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Libya country profile

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Acronym     Definition
CEEMEA Central Eastern Europe Middle East & Africa

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  • Jan 26 Wed 2011 15:18
  • Egypt

總統滾下台 埃及示威3 06:05 

〔中央社〕受到突尼西亞人民抗爭鼓舞,成千上萬埃及民眾今天走上街頭,要求總統穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)下台,並表示他們無法再忍受與貪污和壓迫同義的政權。3人在警民衝突中喪生。

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鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:世華財訊) 2010-11-30 11:19:24

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Noam Chomsky 於1989/3/15  威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校演講

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1、絕對優勢(Absolute advantage)

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