目前分類:Consulting (13)

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BCG Matrix Model

The BCG matrix or also called BCG model relates to marketing. The BCG model is a well-known portfolio management tool used in product life cycle theory. BCG matrix is often used to prioritize which products within company product mix get more funding and attention.

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Consulting Firm Rankings 2012: Vault Consulting 50

The Vault Consulting 50 was compiled using a NEW weighted formula that reflects the issues consultants care most about. This ranking combines Vault’s former “Best to Work For” ranking with overall prestige. See methodology


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 Top Recruiters of MBA and Undergraduate Students

The listing below is based upon Career Center reports that listed employers of students by number hired for each employer. The listing is based upon 11 MBA program and 3 undergraduate program reports for the Class of 2008.

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(2011年9月21日,台北)韜睿惠悅公佈最新2010年全球300主權 和公共養老基金排名,大多數亞太基金的排名上升,其資產總額達到約3.2兆美元,占總資產的25% 。其中,台灣的勞工退休基金從09年的82名攀升至69名(資產值為41,475百萬美元);公共部門養老基金也從09年的199名提升至188名(資產值為16 ,908百萬美元)。


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Rethinking the model for offshoring services

BPO providers often rely on a limited number of geographic locations, exposing themselves to unnecessary risk. They can mitigate these risks in the same way that financial managers do—by diversifying their holdings.

SEPTEMBER 2009 • Matthias Daub, Barnik Maitra, and Tor Mesøy

Source: Business Technology Office

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Good !!! ~ Talking about Chinese consumption rate~

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Why baby boomers will need to work longer

Most US baby boomers are not prepared for their retirement, and neither are the US and world economies. Boomers can help mitigate the consequences by remaining in the workforce beyond the traditional retirement age.

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Leaders in the crisis: McKinsey Global Survey Results

Most executives are coping relatively well with the demands and effects of the economic crisis, but people problems loom on the horizon.

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經理人月刊 / 2009/04/02

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管理大師湯姆‧畢德士(Tom Peters)、大前研一和IBM前任董事長兼執行長路‧葛斯納(Louis Gerstner)這三個人有什麼關係?如果你聽過「六度分隔理論」(Six Degrees of Separation),你或許會說,任何人要與世界上任何一個人產生連結,最多只要透過6個人。

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