08/21/2009 03:41PM - 互聯網
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Best Colleges 2010

Best Colleges: Top Public Schools: National Universities


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Best Careers


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中國專區  台生大陸港澳台聯招諮詢


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《中国大学评价》课题组  武书连 吕嘉 郭石林

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《中国大学评价》课题组 武书连 吕嘉 郭石林


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Leaders in the crisis: McKinsey Global Survey Results

Most executives are coping relatively well with the demands and effects of the economic crisis, but people problems loom on the horizon.

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1.  2009 MBA ranting

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2009  YEF學員 陳麗心 感言

在就讀交通大學 資訊與財金管理系 大三的那年,我參加了YEF-

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China and the US: The potential of a clean-tech partnership
Only a collaboration between the two countries will create an environment where clean-energy technologies can thrive.

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hinet 雜誌專區


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經理人月刊 / 2009/08/04

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經理人月刊 / 2009/08/04

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經理人月刊 / 2009/04/02

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管理大師湯姆‧畢德士(Tom Peters)、大前研一和IBM前任董事長兼執行長路‧葛斯納(Louis Gerstner)這三個人有什麼關係?如果你聽過「六度分隔理論」(Six Degrees of Separation),你或許會說,任何人要與世界上任何一個人產生連結,最多只要透過6個人。

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 能源、原物料基金 最好別碰


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 美元強彈 金價摔跤

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 油價「百」盪 商品市場也重傷


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防Google搶市 微軟成立通訊部大動作固樁

更新日期:2008/09/12 04:35 何英煒/台北報導

台灣微軟7月份成立行動通訊事業部門,該部門主管由原本在中小企業處擔任協理的郭念慈出任。她表示,未來最主要的任務是與台灣的通訊通路業者,包括零售通路及電信公司緊密合作,並複製微軟過去在個人電腦的成功銷售經驗,在台灣推展搭載Windows Mobile作業系統的手機產品。

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台製迷你電腦 轟動日市場

更新日期:2008/09/09 07:10 東京特派員 陳世昌

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【綠色星期四】瘋狂科學計畫 抗暖化把太陽擋掉

更新日期:2008/09/11 19:40

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parents( expr ) http://docs.jquery.com/API/1.1/DOM/Traversing Get a set of elements containing the unique ancestors of the matched set of elements (except for the root element). Can be filtered with an optional expressions. Return value: jQueryParameters: expr (String): (optional) An expression to filter the ancestors with appendTo( content ) 網址: http://docs.jquery.com/Manipulation/appendTo show( speed, callback ) Returns: jQuery Show all matched elements using a graceful animation and firing an optional callback after completion. hide( ) Hides each of the set of matched elements if they are shown. Same as hide( speed, [callback] ) without animations. Doesn't change anything if the selected elements are all hidden. Demo : View SourceHides all paragraphs then the link on click. $("p").hide(); $("a").click(function () { $(this).hide(); return false; }); EFFECTS/ELEMENATE http://docs.jquery.com/Effects/animate#paramsdurationeasingcallback animate( params, [duration], [easing], [callback] ) DemoView SourceShows a div animate with a relative move. Click several times on the buttons to see the relative animations queued up. $("#right").click(function(){ $(".block").animate({"left": "+=50px"}, "slow"); }); $("#left").click(function(){ $(".block").animate({"left": "-=50px"}, "slow"); }); 希望能寫出可以拖拉但本身不會被移走的圖片

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