目前分類:PE-Private Equity (26)

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14217  美通社(亞洲)

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KKR Gains 6.8% Stake in Marvell

12/31/2013 00:00 AM EST 

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梁錦松轉投地產 任南豐CEO

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Taiwanese banks, once seen as a gateway into China, look more like a trap for private-equity firms including Carlyle Group LP (CG) as the mainland market proves elusive and competition at home curbs profits for small lenders.

Cosmos Bank Taiwan (2837), controlled by a buyout firm owned by Steven A. Cohen’s SAC Capital Advisors LLC, has lost 68 percent from the end of 2007, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Taipei-based Ta Chong Bank Ltd. (2847), backed by Carlyle, declined 11 percent, while EnTie Commercial Bank, whose owners include Longreach Group Ltd., fell 18 percent in that period.

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Forstmann Little & Co. attracted first-round bids for the talent agency IMG Worldwide Inc. from Silver Lake Management LLC, TPG Capital, CVC Capital Partners Ltd. and KKR & Co., people familiar with the matter said.


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The Carlyle Group Announces the Initial Public Offering of Broadleaf Co. Ltd.

March 22, 2013

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2013 02 15 17:54


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北京新浪網 (2013-02-05 04:26)


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2013 02 07 09:03

對杜爾(Egon Durban)說,收購戴爾公司(Dell Inc.DELL+0.73%)是他取得突破性成功的一刻。 

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CVC Capital斥資11.3億歐元收購商業信息提供商Cerved

2013 1 3 07:38

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中國清科集團破天荒首度來台舉辦「2013 中國股權投資台灣論壇」

             清科集團是目前中國大陸影響力最大的投資人及企業家交流平台,並擁有中國最強的投資人關係網路。這次首次來台與台灣併購與私募股權協會共同舉辦「2013 中國股權投資台灣論壇」。活動時間訂於2013424-26日,以“優勢互補、互相交流、合作共贏”為出發點,為兩岸的企業家及投資人提供一個具有多重實效的雙向交流契機。期間將以投資論壇、當地企業拜訪以及文化創意巡旅等多樣化的形式,讓大陸投資者與企業家在參與論壇、拜訪台灣本地優秀企業的同時更加深入的瞭解與感受台灣的魅力。

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Getting a job at a Top 50 private equity firm as a pre-MBA is VERY challenging.  They take very few undergrads out of college (see Can an Undergrad get a job in Private Equity or Venture Capital?). Below I have outlined the profile of the typical Associate (pre-MBA) at one of the Top 50 firms. I have added some rough percentages around each of the categories so that you can get a sense of the frequency of each credential. These are not scientific percentages, but I think they are fairly representative of the actual numbers. The best way to test it, if you don’t believe me, is to visit any of the Top 50 private equity fund websites and take a look at the backgrounds of their employees.


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2012-10-09 07:26:46福布玆中文網

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KKR同意收購黑石旗下Alliant Insurance Services

2012 11 26 07:53

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2012-11-21 00:57 工商時報記者楊筱筠/台北報導

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20121107 15:27 來源: 環球企業家


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Basic knowledge of finance and accounting will be very helpful in building an LBO model.

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鉅亨網吳修廉 綜合報導  2012-11-07  19:40    

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