There are various publications that rank business schools. We recommend using Business Week and the Financial Times, then cross referencing with current students/alumni and professionals in your desired industry of post-MBA employment.


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稅改引殺機 台股長黑摜破年線
分析師:靜待政策釐清 短線保守為宜

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亞洲地區 ASIA





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by Mr. 6

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   Draw Something

Draw Something爆紅,Zynga透露收購意願


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優酷併土豆市佔率35% 誰下一個被吃?

美國之音中文網 2012/03/15

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The world's TOP100 billionaires

Net Worth Calculated March 2012

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Russia's presidency

The beginning of the end of Putin

Vladimir Putin will once again become Russia’s president. Even so, his time is running out

Mar 3rd 2012 | from the print edition

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China and the World Bank2030 vision

Feb 28th 2012, 15:46 by J.M. | BEIJING

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100 Best Companies to Work For

Top 100

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Why Did a Goldman Unit Pass on Facebook?

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Jim Rogers 2012 global outlook
December 22, 2011 02:44 PM

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 第 一 章 總則
第 1 條  
第 2 條  
第 3 條  
第 4 條  
第 5 條  

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400 Dow Points Aren’t What They Used to Be

By Whitney Kisling and Inyoung Hwang - Dec 1, 2011 6:14 AM GMT+0800

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新頭殼newtalk 2011.11.29 孔德廉/綜合報導

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Eksportfinans ASA


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The European Central Bank

Brink think

The Bundesbank’s chief and the ECB’s Italian president have much in common

Nov 19th 2011 | from the print edition


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Industry Chart

The Sector The Billionaires Are Placing Their Bets

The Sector The Billionaires Are Placing Their Bets

While big money is getting on board, investors need to target the hot spots.

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18 Share Tips - 7 November 2011

18 Share Tips - 7 November 2011

18 Share Tips to BUY, SELL & HOLD from Australia's leading brokers

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Every asset-price boom in history has come to an end, and the commodities boom is no exception.


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This week’s summit was supposed to put an end to the euro crisis. It hasn’t

Oct 29th 2011 | from the print edition

YOU can understand the self-congratulation. In the early hours of October 27th, after marathon talks, the leaders of the euro zone agreed on a “comprehensive package” to dispel the crisis that has been plaguing the euro zone for almost two years. They boosted a fund designed to shore up the euro zone’s troubled sovereign borrowers, drafted a plan to restore Europe’s banks, radically cut Greece’s burden of debt, and set out some ways to put the governance of the euro on a proper footing. After a summer overshadowed by the threat of financial collapse, they had shown the markets who was boss.

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Corporate wealthThey are the 5%

Nov 1st 2011, 15:22 by The Economist online

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2011年11月01日 08:09   來源:新華網

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忘掉希臘吧!中國房地產泡沫化 已成全球經濟最大未爆彈


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葛林斯潘:歐盟注定將失敗 美債市場恐陷入危機



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1. 一九九九年十月十二日,聯合國指定波士尼亞男嬰亞南米維奇為第六十億人口。 

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墨比爾斯團隊 創造投資大綜效 

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Investors have had a dreadful time in the recent past. The immediate future looks pretty rotten, too

Oct 15th 2011 | from the print edition

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Paulson Clients Said to Pull Less Than 10% From Two Hedge Funds

October 11, 2011, 12:25 AM EDT

Oct. 11 (Bloomberg) -- John Paulson, the billionaire hedge- fund manager having the worst year of his career, has received less than 10 percent in redemption requests for his Recovery and Credit Opportunities funds for year’s end, according to two people familiar with the firm.

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避險大戶鮑爾森面嚴重考驗 獲利光環不再 多數投資人恐變心

鉅亨網編譯呂燕智 綜合外電  2011-10-11  14:50

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Steve Jobs Died at Home of Respiratory Arrest

By Karen Gullo - Oct 11, 2011 12:01 PM GMT+0800

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商業週刊 2011/10/05


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The world economy

Be afraid

Unless politicians act more boldly, the world economy will keep heading towards a black hole

Oct 1st 2011 | from the print edition

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由於中國大陸並未開放證券及外匯市場,現況下,外資只能透過QFII 額度,投資中國大陸證券市場;大陸民眾則只能透過購買獲批QDII額度的機構所發行的海外投資商品,間接投資境外金融市場。 

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2011年 華爾街最佳雇主 CEO魅力超總統
2011年09月20日 19:34

新浪財經訊 北京時間9月21日上午消息,據外電報道,美國僱員諮詢網站Vault.com日前發布的最新調查顯示,高盛(GS)不再是華爾街的最佳雇主,取而代之的是摩根大通。


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Historical Changes of the Target Federal Funds and Discount Rates

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A game of catch-up

The shift in economic power from West to East is accelerating, says John O’Sullivan. The rich world will lose some of its privileges

Sep 24th 2011 | from the print edition

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The United States and Taiwan--Dim sum for China

Why America should not walk away from Taiwan

Sep 24th 2011 | from the print edition

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熊席麟:警惕人民幣升值預期引經濟走向畸形   2011-09-23 00:47:21  

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在一年多前,友站的Mr.Friday就已經在『當Facebook統治了世界,你還有隱私可言嗎?』討論過一樣的話題,而在今年的F8揭露了最新的Open Graph之後,這件事就更加的明確。

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Source: McKinsey Quarterly, the business journal of McKinsey & Company.

A new survey shows big shifts in banking relationships, product and service needs, and channels.

SEPTEMBER 2011 • Kenny Lam and Jatin Pant   Source: Financial Services Practice

Banks doing business in Asia face rapidly changing consumer behavior, with big consequences for both local and multinational institutions. Consumers increasingly prefer local banks over multinationals, are less loyal to existing banking relationships, are much more cautious about borrowing, and are more open to Internet and mobile banking. These shifts in the nature of banking relationships, product and service needs, and channels are reflected in a 2011 McKinsey survey of 20,000 consumers in 13 Asian markets.1

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Source: BCG

Boston Consulting Group

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(2011年9月21日,台北)韜睿惠悅公佈最新2010年全球300主權 和公共養老基金排名,大多數亞太基金的排名上升,其資產總額達到約3.2兆美元,占總資產的25% 。其中,台灣的勞工退休基金從09年的82名攀升至69名(資產值為41,475百萬美元);公共部門養老基金也從09年的199名提升至188名(資產值為16 ,908百萬美元)。


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