PARIS—The French government said it was ready to do whatever it takes to stick to its deficit-reduction plans, signaling its determination to remain among the six euro-zone nations still sporting a top-notch triple-A credit rating.
History of American money can be traced back to the times of colonial America. The Continental Congress had made the use of dollar legal even before American independence. This dollar was based on Spanish milled dollars that were prevalent in the economy of colonial America. The Spanish milled dollars were a set of 8 coins and were principally based on Spanish economy.
The Panic of 1873, also referred to as the Depression of 1873 by historians, was a major economic depression that affected United States and several other countries in Europe, such as Germany, Britain and even Austria. This crisis lasted for around 5 to 6 years (1873 - 1879). There are several factors which led to this economic crisis, the Jay Cooke and Company going bankrupt being a major reason. If you want to know what was the Panic of 1873, its causes, major impacts, and the Panic of 1873 significance, then just keep reading this article.
Failed banks, widespread foreclosures, impaired agriculture sector and manufacturing industry, large scale unemployment and homelessness.... these were some of the predominant characteristics of the US economy during the Panic of 1819 - the first major financial crisis in the American history. It was one of the most hard-hitting crisis that the nation had ever witnessed - largely because the national financial system was still in its infancy and never before had the Americans witnessed crisis of such magnitude in their country.
Before going into deeper analysis of the subject matter, I cannot avoid mentioning the favorite joke of economists on recession and depression. When other people lose their jobs, it's a recession. When you lose yours, it's a depression.. The joke involves some subjective judgment to differentiate recession from depression. Definition of recession and depression follows no ironclad rule. It can be differentiated only by judging the nature of economic downfall and its outcome. Both are similar in few aspects when negative impacts are taken into account. The difference lies only on the effects and the lasting effect of recession and depression. The former lasts for short period while the latter has long lasting effect. Recession vs depression has been studied by economists deeply and you can also get a better concept after reading this article. Read more on economic recession and depression - definition and difference.
Jun 23rd 2011 | from the print edition
鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:財匯資訊,摘自:中國黃金資訊網) 2011-05-23 11:17:07
隨著美聯儲會議結果的公佈,美國股指和金價再創新高,投資者都在為美聯儲的“英明決策”歡欣鼓舞,黃金更是被視為 “永恒的保值品”。冷靜思考,現在美聯儲的貨幣政策根本沒有可持續性,美國不可能和日本一樣,長期維持零利率,美國經濟的復蘇步伐已經比預估的快。同樣 的,黃金也不可能成為永恒的“保值品”,那些為了維持金價而為金本位制招魂的分析師,最終會為自己的行為打造一口“黃金棺”。