The 10 highest and lowest paid jobs - are YOU one of them?
The 10 best-paid and worst-paid jobs were identified by the Office for National Statistics recently. And there are a few surprises.
The main point is that the ONS only considered basic salary, not bonuses, so those at the top of the tree who would expect a bonus five times their basic wage have their place a bit skewed.
But still, it's fascinating reading.
The survey shows that the average salary for a full-time employees went up 2.6% to £25,800 in 2009.
Highest paid
1. Directors and chief executives of major organisations.
Average annual salary: £115,576
Job titles include: Chief executive, company director, general manager, managing director (of major organisations).
2. Medical practitioners
Average annual salary: £78,366
Job titles include: Anaesthetist, doctor, hospital consultant, GP, physician, psychiatrist, psycho-analyst, registrar, surgeon.
3. Senior officials in national government
Average annual salary: £68,283
Job titles include: Assistant secretary, diplomat, MEP, MP, permanent secretary.
4. Brokers
Average annual salary: £61,117
Job titles include: Commodity trader, financial broker, foreign exchange dealer, insurance broker, shipbroker, stockbroker.
5. Air traffic controllers
Average annual salary: £60,548
Job titles include: Air traffic controller, controller of aircraft, flight planner, ground movement controller.
6. Financial managers and chartered secretaries
Average annual salary: £58,295
Job titles include: Company registrar, company treasurer, credit manager, finance manager, financial director, merchant banker.
7. Senior officials in local government
Average annual salary: £55,921
Job titles include: Chief executive of local government, town clerk.
8. Police officers (inspectors and above)
Average annual salary: £53,937
Job titles include: Assistant chief constable, chief constable, chief inspector, chief superintendent, deputy chief constable.
9. IT strategy and planning professionals
Average annual salary: £50,143
Job titles include: Computer consultant, software consultant.
10. Solicitors and lawyers, judges and coroners
Average annual salary: £48,908
Job titles include: Articled clerk, barrister, coroner, judge, solicitor.
Lowest paid
1. Waiters and waitresses
Average annual salary: £11,930
2. Bar staff
Average annual salary: £11,930
3. Kitchen and catering assistants
Average annual salary: £12,410
Job titles include: Canteen assistant, catering assistant, counterhand, dining room assistant, kitchen assistant, kitchen porter, washer-up.
4. Travel and tour guides
Average annual salary: £12,561
Job titles include: Coach guide, courier for tour operator, escort, guide
5. Launderers, dry cleaners, pressers
Average annual salary: £12,657
Job titles include: Carpet cleaner, dry cleaner, garment presser, laundry worker.
6. Retail cashiers and check-out operators
Average annual salary: £12,736
Job titles include: Cashier, check-out operator, forecourt attendant, petrol pump attendant, restaurant cashier.
7. Leisure and theme park attendants
Average annual salary: £12,767
Job titles include: Arcade attendant, fairground worker, funfair attendant, usher/usherette.
8. Hairdressers and related occupations
Average annual salary: £13,194
Job titles include: Barber, beautician, hairdresser, make-up artist, manicurist, slimming consultant, barber.
9. Cleaners, domestics
Average annual salary: £13,807
Job titles include: Car valeter, chambermaid, cleaner, domestic cleaner.
10. Nursery Nurses
Average annual salary: £13,872
Job titles include: Creche assistant, nursery assistant, nursery nurse