目前分類:Investment Banks (22)

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Who Really Wins if JPMorgan Pays $13 Billion?

By Jonathan Weil Oct 20, 2013 11:41 PM GMT+0800

Jamie Dimon

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高盛集團(GS)首席執行官勞埃德-布蘭克費恩(Lloyd Blankfein)週三稱,他相信經濟改革再加上財政懸崖的解決方案將可刺激美國公司將其資產負債表中的1萬億美元資金投入運作。

2012-11-15 9:14:00    

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投行風雲:大投行喝地溝油 小投行翻身 

2012-09-20 11:01:43

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  2012/05/21 12:35   

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Banking Employers Rankings 2012: Best to Work For

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Banking Employers Rankings 2012: Vault Banking 50

This VAULT BANKING 50 is compiled using a weighted formula that reflects the issues bankers care most about, combining quality of life rankings (such as culture, satisfaction, hours and compensation) with overall prestige. See methodology


1-25 26-50

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 发布时间: 2010-11-16      来源: ChinaVenture      作者: 冯坡      浏览次数: 6232

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轉貼: 小談投資銀行 工作與薪水

投資銀行的最廣泛的定義是: 經營所有資本市場業務的中間商.

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2011 M&A Advisory Rankings


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Why Did a Goldman Unit Pass on Facebook?

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2011年 華爾街最佳雇主 CEO魅力超總統
2011年09月20日 19:34

新浪財經訊 北京時間9月21日上午消息,據外電報道,美國僱員諮詢網站Vault.com日前發布的最新調查顯示,高盛(GS)不再是華爾街的最佳雇主,取而代之的是摩根大通。


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鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:財匯資訊) 2011-02-14 09:11:06


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The BrandFinance® Global Banking 500


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Bank of America Top Bank Brand, Goldman 16th, Survey Finds

By Simon Clark - Feb 1, 2011 8:01 AM GMT+0800
Bank of America Top Bank Brand, Goldman Is 16th

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What's so great about working at Goldman?

goldman_sachs_wall_street.jc.top.jpg By Scott Cendrowski, writer-reporterJanuary 27, 2011: 10:23 AM ET


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Investment Banking:Life as an Analyst


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Goldman Sachs is Number One! (Maybe.)

December 17, 2010, 2:35 PM ET

Liz Moyer of Dow Jones Newswires writes:

Goldman Sachs Group is poised to retake the lead among advisers on global merger and acquisition transactions, while a surge from big European banks knocked Citigroup Inc. out of its fourth-place spot.

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By Murray Coleman

A report this afternoon by Dow Jones Newswires’ Jessica Holzer notes that the collapse of a $1.1 trillion Senate budget measure late Thursday could leave two key regulatory bodies without enough funding to carry out reforms.

The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission were supposed to get big funding increases so they could implement new reforms under the Dodd-Frank legislation, the report notes.

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揮別海嘯 瑞銀亞太招兵
聯合新聞網 2010/05/18

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